Failure To Diagnose
Few things can be more frustrating, or lead to more serious consequences, than finding out you have a serious medical condition, and a doctor failed to detect it. Failure to diagnose cancer or any other serious disease can lead to even worse health problems than if the disease had been properly detected and treated earlier. Our lawyers at Balzarini & Watson in Pittsburgh can investigate your health care provider’s failure to diagnose your condition and determine if any medical negligence or malpractice played a part.
Experienced, Successful Attorneys Helping You Through A Complex Case
To prove that your doctor or other health care provider failed to diagnose a serious condition like cancer, an aneurysm, heart disease or any other type of disease or infection, you will need supporting evidence.
One of the resources that our firm offers is a vast network of doctors and other medical experts that we can call on to help preserve evidence that your health care providers acted negligently. We can use that evidence to determine a fair amount of compensation that you should receive for any pain and suffering, bills and ongoing medical needs.
Get The Help You Need From Our Trial Lawyers
Our law firm is one of western Pennsylvania’s premier trial law firms, a crucial distinction when engaging in sensitive settlement negotiations or going to trial with large health care companies. By preparing for trial in every case, our lawyers send a message that we are ready for all obstacles and intend to forcefully advocate for your interests.
To schedule a free consultation, please contact us by calling 412-471-1200 or 866-316-2111
Practice Types
Pennsylvania’s Most Respected Personal Injury Lawyers
No matter what type of medical malpractice injury you are suffering from, our attorneys at Balzarini & Watson can help. Combining more than 150 years of legal experience across all types of personal injury law, they can build a case for compensation that can help you get the relief you need.